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Author Archives: Stephen Scott

7 reasons to embrace a robust records retention program

Document archive

Employers often ask, why do we need a records retention policy? It’s relatively cheap and easy to store everything electronically, and if you don’t have a retention policy you don’t have to deal with the headache of determining the retention ...

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An employer’s guide to compassionate communication with employees

Older businesswoman talking with younger managers

Facing the daunting task of downsizing one’s workforce can be an emotionally challenging experience. It is crucial for leaders to make well-informed decisions while considering the impacts on both departing and remaining employees. Outlined below are five high-level considerations that ...

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How algorithms may perpetuate discrimination

Artificial intelligence concept

It is no secret that artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the workplace. From streamlining hiring processes to increasing productivity, AI has the potential to make our work lives easier and more efficient. But as with any new technology, AI comes ...

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How updated job descriptions can limit a company’s liability

Employment agreement

Why are up-to-date job descriptions so important? It’s easy for employers to overlook the importance of keeping job descriptions up to date. After all, when you’re juggling a million other tasks, who has time to review dozens (or more) employee ...

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Mitigate risk of fraud in the workplace

Companies with fewer than 100 employees have a median loss from workplace fraud of $150,000, while companies with greater than 10,000 employees have a median loss of less than $140,000. These numbers are shockingly high. Here are the eight most ...

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It might be time to update that workplace social media policy

One recent TikTok “day in the life” video showed someone complaining about their co-workers, supervisors, customers, etc. while at the office. Watching it revealed the potential legal exposure it unintentionally created. With that, here are four tips for managing use ...

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401(k) plan management under greater scrutiny

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “nothing is certain except death and taxes.” At their core, Franklin’s words ring true today, but there are more things we can predict with good certainty given our access to data. Employers can get a ...

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Companies’ 401(k) plan management under greater scrutiny

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “nothing is certain except death and taxes.” While at their core, Franklin’s words ring true today, there are more things we can predict with good certainty given our access to data. For example, employers can ...

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Take time to think about preparing employees for the unthinkable

The recent arrest of a man who allegedly planned to shoot up a festival at the Gorge Amphitheatre in Washington serves as stark a reminder to employers that a shooting can occur almost anywhere. In workplaces, active shooters are often ...

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Take note of one federal agency’s latest COVID-19 guidance

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s latest guidance regarding COVID-19, as described in more detail below, “makes clear that going forward employers will need to assess whether current pandemic circumstances and individual workplace circumstances justify viral screening testing of employees ...

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