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New England Legal Foundation in Market For New President

The New England Legal Foundation is seeking a new president and CEO following the departure of its current leader, Andrew R. Grainger, who was recently tapped to join the Massachusetts Appeals Court.

NELF – a business law think tank dedicated to free enterprise – seeks to stake out positions on emerging business and commercial law issues in collaboration with in-house counsel leaders and law firms throughout New England. The Foundation focuses on filing amicus briefs in cases involving policy, precedent and constitutional law. In 2005, NELF participated in 10 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, and in 15 cases in state and federal appeals courts throughout New England.

The Foundation also presents panel discussions on current business law topics and publishes op-ed columns.

NELF indicated that the position of president entails a combination scholarly, legal and analytical skills, as well as public speaking and fundraising.

The Foundation’s current chair is Brackett B. Denniston III, general counsel at General Electric, and its vice-chair is Lena Goldberg, general counsel at FMR Corp/Fidelity Investments.

Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney recently selected Grainger for the state Appeals Court following Grainger’s eight-year tenure at NELF.

Grainger operated his own business, Centerline Consulting Inc., before joining the foundation in 1998. Before his work at Centerline, Grainger worked as general counsel of Recoll Management Corp., a Fleet Financial Group affiliate, and was an associate general counsel in charge of litigation at the former Bank of New England Corp.